The Open Door – a report by Jon Haslam and Nick Abercrombie – describes the careful responsive nature of schools that put research up front and central. These schools, the authors suggest, tend to place teaching and learning as the priority of …
I recently attended an online conference where a Japanese professor was speaking. He said many things that struck me, but one in particular was that 99.9% of Japanese teachers stay in the profession. His explanation? In Japan, a teacher’s professional …
The phoenix is a mythical golden bird associated with renewal and regeneration. Rising from the ashes of its previous life, the phoenix is a symbol of hope, of life and of better things to come, born from the knowledge and …
“81 Hubs will be added to the 6 test and learn TSHs in all corners of England to provide high-quality professional development to teachers and leaders at all stages of their career and play a key role in helping to …