A specialist NPQ lasts 12 months whilst a Leadership NPQ lasts 18 months.
Your facilitator will be nominated at the start of the programme. Their name and contact details will
be provided in your welcome letter which is emailed by npq@inspirelearntsh.co.uk at the start of
your course.
You can request a password reset from the UCL eXtend homepage. Simply choose the ‘Forgotten
your password?’ link and it will send a reset link to the email address associated with your account.
Please check that you have agreed to the Privacy Statement. This can be located on the first page of
UCL eXtend as you log in. You may need to scroll down a little to see it!
Each F2F and PLG session has its own generic recorded session, which resides within each specific
module after the delivery window of the session itself. UCL Determine delivery windows of around 3
weeks for each session, so please don’t expect the recorded sessions to be available immediately
after your scheduled live session as our schedule may be early in that delivery window.
Formative Assessment completion now forms part of the End of Module tasks. You will be required
to self-certify that you have met with your line manager and discussed your Formative Assessment
tasks. Self-certification goes towards your overall required engagement metrics and once completed
will permit access to the next online module within your course.
Your assessment dates will be detailed within the Assessment tab on UCL eXtend. This is accessible
via the home page. The document entitled ‘Summative Assessment – Participant Guide’ will provide
you not only with the dates, but context around the assessment itself.
If your query has not been answered by the above FAQs then please contact
npq@inspirelearningtsh.co.uk for further assistance.