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We have received an update from UCL today that their discussions with the DfE have allowed for further acceptance of ECTs and Mentors onto the Summer program despite the previously stated window of enrollment having passed. UCL have stated that any ECTs added to the DfE portal before 9am Wednesday 18 May 2022 will be enrolled into Cohort 1 as an ‘April starter’ and will be uploaded onto the UCL Databases by close of business Thursday 19 May 2022.

  • ALL DfE enrollments of your new ECTs/Mentors must be made before the DEADLINE of 9am Wednesday 18 May. This means you need to login to the DfE portal and input your participants specific details.
  • ALL enrolled ECT/Mentors must accept the Privacy Statement on UCLeXtend by DEADLINE Tuesday 24 May 2022 to activate their account. This can be found on the first page of UCLeXtend once logged in for the first time. You may need to scroll down on the ‘landing page’ to find a small PDF document to open entitled “Privacy Agreement”. Often located underneath the first video.
  • Once the Privacy Statement is agreed, all learning materials will be accessible.
  • If these requirements are not met within the specified deadlines then your ECT/Mentors will need to await September enrolment in Cohort 2.
  • Inspire Learning will reconcile all new entries upon the shared database with UCL on Monday 23 May and communicate new cluster groups to you for ongoing participation in Facilitated sessions.

Please refer to the link for specific guidance regarding the enrolment process should you need it;

Once your registration on the DfE portal has been approved, DfE will update UCL who in turn issue you with a UCLeXtend login, this will arrive via email. If you are unable to locate this email, please take the following steps:-


  1. Go to  
  2. Ensure on the login page they go to “Already have an account”  
  3. That the Username is the email address given on the DfE portal.  
  4. Enter the password that they have received in an autogenerated email from UCLeXtend.  
  5. If the participant cannot locate this autogenerated email they will need to do a password reset and then repeat steps 1&2.  
  6. If the participant still cannot access the platform please email a screenshot to the UCL team at  

All participants’ on the ECT programme are listed as ‘Learners’ and then their status i.e. ECT, Mentor or Induction Tutor is also listed.

For schools wishing to work with us and enroll their ECTs on the Full Induction Programme, everything is free at the point of service. Schools receive additional funding to contribute towards releasing ECT mentors across the year.

Only teachers who are brand new into the profession from September 2021 are required to follow the new statutory induction process. Therefore, only these teachers qualify for the associated funding.

It is recommended that each ECT has their own mentor. Ideally this should be someone working closely with them (similar year group, subject etc.) Schools will also need an induction tutor who leads the more formal side of induction (i.e. assessment against teacher standards etc.) Schools opting for the Full Induction Programme will receive training for mentors, which is fully funded.

It is a statutory requirement that all teachers new to the profession from September 2021 must follow the ECF and have a two-year induction period. Schools can choose how they do this but the DfE recommend the Full Induction Programme as the first choice.

For now, please complete the expression of interest form and we will be in touch. You will also be receiving an invitation to an online service from the DfE – you will need to indicate that you wish to do the Full Induction Programme with UCL on  there.

Firstly, contact Inspire Learning TSH on, who will establish the correct login email to use. Please check your junk inbox, in case the password reset link has been sent to junk, failing all of that, please contact UCL Technical Department on

Yes, this can be done by you whilst logged into the DfE portal.