Inspire Learning TSH NW to deliver Leading Primary Mathematics NPQ
With the 2024 National Professional Qualification (NPQ) registration deadline fast
approaching, Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub NW is delighted to announce that it will
be now delivering the NPQ for Leading Primary Mathematics (NPQLPM).
The hub already delivers a wide range of other specialist and leadership NPQs, including
Executive Leadership, Headship, Senior Leadership, Early Years Leadership, Leading
Teacher Development, Leading Literacy, Leading Teaching and Leading Behaviour and
Culture. Each programme is delivered in partnership with University College London’s (UCL)
Centre for Educational Leadership.
The National Professional Qualification for Leading Primary Mathematics supports teachers
and leaders across the Wirral and Liverpool areas in developing mastery approaches to
teaching primary maths. In collaboration with the sector, the team at UCL continue to
complete extensive research to form high-quality NPQs.
Inspire Learning TSH NW will also be partnering with the local Cheshire and Wirral Maths
Hub and North West 3 Maths Hub to ensure that the programme provided is as effective as
Lisa Bradshaw, deputy CEO of the Three-Saints Trust, director of North West Learning
Partnership and senior lead link for the North West 3 Maths Hub, felt it was important to work
alongside Inspire Learning TSH to deliver the programme to elevate alignment and
She said: “The North West 3 Maths Hub is delighted to be working in partnership with Inspire
Learning TSH to deliver the NPQ for Leading Primary Mathematics.
“The core focus of this NPQ is to support teachers in their own professional development
and help them provide the best pupil learning experience for mathematics.
“The programme, crafted carefully to ensure a subject focus and accuracy, draws on maths
mastery approaches and principles.
“Working in partnership with Inspire Learning TSH enables a high level of alignment and
consistency within the programme. Our expertise in the field best places us to offer this
support to participants.”
Free for those working in a state-funded school or setting, the addition of the NPQ for
Leading Primary Mathematics will allow for individuals to improve their leadership skills in
this area with the support of education and maths experts.
Andy Ash, lead of the Cheshire and Wirral Maths Hub, added: “Mathematics is one of the
most important subjects at primary school, not only because it paves the way for success
later in all areas of education, but also because it helps students become deep thinkers and
problem solvers.
“This NPQ will help primary maths leads to better understand the most effective ways to lead
their subject and facilitate deep reflection on what they want to achieve with their subject.”
Teachers and leaders have until Thursday, 18 January, to register for the National
Professional Qualification of their choice to ensure a February start.
Director of Inspire Learning TSH NW, Jane Kennedy, commented: “We are pleased to be
expanding the opportunities that are available at Inspire with the addition of the NPQ for
Leading Primary Mathematics. This qualification is an excellent chance for teachers to
enhance their own careers.
“Our team is looking forward to working collaboratively with the maths hubs to ensure that
the experience of each and every participant is as engaging and as effective as possible.”
Further information about the National Professional Qualification for Leading Primary
Mathematics can be found here.