Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub welcomes 13 new quality assurance assessors
Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub (TSH), the designated hub for Liverpool and Wirral,
has appointed 13 new quality assurance assessors.
The quality assurance assessors will work alongside Inspire Learning TSH in their
Appropriate Body role.
Following the launch of a small-scale pilot programme in the 2022/23 academic year, which
involved Early Career Teachers (ECTs) and induction tutors, Inspire Learning TSH has now
taken on the Appropriate Body role, supporting ECTs across the two years of their statutory
The Appropriate Body is a statutory function through which ECTs are formally assessed
against the Teacher Standards. It has the main quality assurance role within the induction
The quality assurance assessors at Inspire Learning TSH each manage a caseload of ECTs
across Liverpool and Wirral and verify the competence of ECTs at the end of every term,
ensuring they are making the expected progress to pass the statutory induction successfully.
Director of the Inspire Learning TSH, Jane Kennedy, said: “We are delighted to welcome 13
new quality assurance assessors to support us as part of our appropriate body role.
“The Appropriate Body ensures ECTs are monitored consistently and fairly and supports
them throughout their two-year statutory induction.
“As the Appropriate Body, we have a robust system in place to ensure schools and their
ECTs have access to the best support.”
Of the 13 new quality assurance assessors, there are two team leaders, one for primary and
one for secondary schools. The rest of the team cover all phases and sectors within the
The team structure offers an additional layer of quality assurance, allowing concerns to be
escalated to the relevant team leader if necessary.
In July 2023, the Department for Education announced that from September 2024, teaching
school hubs will become the main provider of Appropriate Body services.
Jane added: “The recent announcement from the Department for Education means that
schools can no longer register their ECTs with the local authority, instead they must be
registered with a teaching school hub Appropriate Body.“It is imperative that schools register ECTs with their local teaching school hub to ensure
statutory processes are followed and ultimately enable ECTs to access the support they
need to successfully pass their induction.”