Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub receives glowing feedback from Induction Tutors
Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub (TSH) has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from Induction Tutors following an in-depth survey.
Induction Tutors play a vital role in the statutory two-year induction process for early career teachers (ECTs). At a school level, they are responsible for coordinating the induction programme for ECTs, carrying out regular progress reviews and formal assessments.
Induction Tutors also appoint and liaise with the Appropriate Body (AB).
It is an Induction Tutor’s responsibility to make rigorous and fair judgements about an ECTs progress in relation to the Teachers’ Standards and they are able to recognise when early action is needed in the case of an ECT who is experiencing difficulties.
The Induction Tutor training programme covers the induction process, roles and responsibilities, as well as the early career framework (ECF).
The survey asked Induction Tutors who completed training with Inspire Learning TSH to share their experiences and how beneficial they found the training and facilitators.
Before the training session, participants were asked to rate their knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of an Induction Tutor. The overall score was 3.6 out of 5.
Upon completion of the session, the tutors were asked the same question and the results were incredible. Knowledge of roles and responsibilities rose by 1.1% to 4.73 out of 5.
When asked if facilitators made the information clear and accessible, over 98% of tutors agreed, and when asked if the session met its aims, 100% of participants said yes.
Other comments from the survey highlighted the ‘excellent knowledge shared’ and that ‘everything was clear and covered very well’.
The second part of the survey asked participants about Inspire Learning TSH’s Appropriate Body services, which have been fully operational since September 2023.
One participant commented on how the session helped them gain a clear understanding of their role as an Induction Tutor. They said: “I really appreciated the training. This is the first time since the introduction of the ECF programme that I am clear about the expectations, procedure and requirements of both my role and the overall process of the ECT induction.”
Another comment made a specific reference to the Inspire team and praised them for being so supportive throughout the process.
They said: “Jane and Vicky have been so supportive in navigating me through the process of signing up my ECTs and the information required from me.”
While another also shared an appreciation for the team’s support. They said: “Jane and Vicky have been extremely helpful in helping me to register as Induction Lead as well as getting my school and ECTs registered.”
Jane Kennedy, director of Inspire Learning TSH, said: “We are delighted by the feedback we received following our Induction Tutor training session.
“Induction Tutors are such an integral part of the induction process and are there to ensure ECTs are supported and where necessary, interventions are made to support their progression.
“With a robust training programme, Induction Tutors can feel supported to confidently carry out their roles and responsibilities to the best of their ability, and in turn, support the teachers of tomorrow.”